
Bishop Dunn Memorial School, founded in 1883, is proud of its Catholic tradition and commitment to the academic, spiritual, emotional, social and physical development of children, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8. It is our philosophy that success, particularly at an early age, depends on the growth of a child’s confidence, self-esteem and stimulation of their inquisitive nature. Bishop Dunn Memorial School, on 澳门开奖网 campus, offers a unique environment where children develop those qualities that form the basis for lifelong learning. Children are encouraged to learn by doing.

 When you get to know Bishop Dunn Memorial, you will discover why our school is unique. It is the quality of teaching excellence for which our faculty has been honored by their achievements. It is the quality of academic curriculum which motivates many of our students on to higher levels of education across the nation. And, it is the high standards of the school, which our faculty strive to instill in our students. It is the sum total of these qualities that make Bishop Dunn Memorial School and our students unique.